Jericho Coffee Traders reaches
500 coffee subscribers!
Jul 26, 2021
We launched our new online shop and coffee subscriptions back in June 2020 and have been amazed at the growing demand for our delicious coffee that we now deliver to homes throughout the UK!
From our first steps into the weird and wonderful world of eCommerce, we've seen our coffee subscriptions jump every month to our latest milestone: our 500th coffee subscriber!
We owe this success to our fantastic team who often work long hours sourcing high-quality beans, creating the perfect roasting profiles, roasting, tasting, processing orders and bagging for delivery.

In fact, we tallied it up recently and reckon Hayden (pictured), our wholesale and retail manager, has personally posted over 10,000 bags of coffee since lockdown. We literally don’t know what we’d do without him! All hail the Haydenator!
But most of all, it's a privilege to have such loyal customers who continue to be a part of our community - from all of us at Jericho Coffee Traders, we thank you for your support and our success!
We now have our sights firmly set on reaching 1,000 subscribers while keeping our promise to maintain the variety and quality of our coffee, and our customers happy. We also have some interesting new coffees about to appear so watch this space for more details.
Much love
James, Lizzie and the Team